Our philosophy

Our vision

Where children and whānau grow together - Children are at the heart of everything we do! We focus on well-being of our precious children - our future leaders.

Our values

We are passionate and dedicated to providing high-quality childcare and education to our children.  We foster respectful, reciprocal relationships and value whānau contribution and aspirations.

At Rockmybaby® Childcare we believe:

  • Children are at the heart of our practice and our first priority

  • Imagination and creativity through open-ended resources and loose parts

  • ·Children’s hearts need to be filled with present kaiako and a stimulating learning environment

  • Our environment is calm, warm and inviting

  • Children are provided challenges to learn, and be guided on their individual learning journey

  • We empower confident competent learners and promote independence

  • Whānau aspirations are listened to and heard, their voice is acted upon

  • We have open lines of communication and honesty

  • Children are encouraged to have a sense of cultural identity and a sense of belonging

  • The environment is natural and considered the third teacher

  • Children are supported to have positive social interactions and social competency is promoted.

  • Kaitiakitanga is promoted through caring for the environment, resources and sustainable practices